Quarterly Update: Careers Talk
Here is a round-up of highlights from our discussions with a diverse group of seasoned sustainability professionals, who provided insights on the importance of sustainability education and innovation, as well as the growing demand for ESG talents.
Sustainability Education

In addition to all of the accomplishments made by Lao throughout her career, Lao placed equal focus on her involvement in sustainability education. As the co-author of ‘Sparky & Benny's Big Home Mystery’, the story follows two kid whales on a quest for answers to why they are losing their homes and the ways to put a stop to it.
Integrating reality and the fictional world, the story enables both children and adults to understand the urgency and challenges of climate change.
Innovation in Social Sustainability

Growing Demand for ESG Talents
The field of environmental, social and governance (ESG) has been growing exponentially over the past years, with more companies actively integrating sustainability principles into their business development strategies. Against this backdrop, there is an uptick in demand for ESG talents across different professional sectors.
In light of this, Lao and To highlighted the importance of gaining additional experience in social work in addition to learning the technical skills for the job. Being involved in social initiatives will provide one with a holistic perspective on the workings of our society and environment.
Coupled with soft skills such as communication and persistence skills, which will enable one to remain persistent when introducing new ideas that can challenge the status quo, and bring changes to pave the way towards a more sustainable future.
In light of this, Lao and To highlighted the importance of gaining additional experience in social work in addition to learning the technical skills for the job. Being involved in social initiatives will provide one with a holistic perspective on the workings of our society and environment.
Coupled with soft skills such as communication and persistence skills, which will enable one to remain persistent when introducing new ideas that can challenge the status quo, and bring changes to pave the way towards a more sustainable future.
Paving Your Professional
Career Path in Sustainability
Explore our educational series with seasoned sustainability professionals sharing their insights and knowledge to support you in paving your path into the world of sustainability.