有疑問嗎 Got Questions? 

一般問題 General Questions

Why am I unable to sign in, even after resetting my password?

Please sign in using the option you chose when you registered. For example, if you used Facebook or Google to register, please choose the corresponding platform when signing in.
請使用您註冊時選擇的選項登入户口。例如,如果您使用 Facebook 或 Google 註冊,請在登錄時選擇相應的平台。

How do I register for the courses? 

Courses can be registered online through the specific course page. 
If you encounter any problems in course registration, please email us at learn@matters.academy
用户可以在特定頁面上進行線上課程註冊。如果您在課程註冊的過程中遇到任何問題,請發送電郵至 learn@matters.academy

Where can I find the courses that I have enrolled in?

All enrolled courses are displayed on your profile.

Does the platform have course reminders?

Course reminders will be triggered once users have enrolled on a course. 在完成註冊後,系統將提供一次性的課程提醒。

Are any subtitles available for the courses?

Subtitles are available for certain courses and will be specified in the course description. 

Where can I find out the language of the course?

The language of the course will be specified in the course's description.課程語言將在課程簡介中列出。

How to attend the online events on the platform?

Users must first register for the course on Matters Academy. 
By choosing the '繼續 Continue' option on the course page, users will be directed to the event. 
用户必須首先在Matters Academy頁面上註冊該課程/活動,並透過在頁面上點選「繼續」選項,使用者將被帶領到相關活動頁面。

Will I get the certificate after attending an online event?出席線上活動後會獲頒證書嗎?

Yes. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to the attendee after the event. 會的。 在活動結束後,出席者將立刻獲頒發出席證書。

Why am I not able to access the next section of the course? 

Each section must be fully completed in order to transition onto the next section of the course. 

How come I did not receive a certificate after completing the course?為什麼我在完成課程後沒有收到證書?

Users will receive a certificate once all sections of the course have been completed. Please refer to the tick indicators for the completion progress of each course section. 在完成課程的所有部分後,用戶將獲頒證書。如該部分被視為已完成,剔號將會自動顯示於該項目的右方作標示。

Why some of the sections cannot be viewed or accessed after enrolment?

Some sections might be locked and will be released on a specific date by the tutor. Please look forward to the release date by checking the description on the course page.

Can I revisit the course(s) after the completion?在完成課程後,可以重閱課程內容嗎?

All courses are presented with replay options or expiration rules. Please visit the description box of the course page for specific details. 所有課程均有重播選項或到期規則。有關具體詳情,請查閱各個課程頁面為準。

Whom can I contact if I have feedback on the courses or accessibility of Matters Academy's platform?
如我對 Matters Academy 平台上的課程或其他方面有任何意見,可以聯繫誰?

Course Feedback: Please leave your comment in the 'Discuss' section on the course page or complete the feedback form at the end of the course.
General Feedback: Please share your feedback through our contact form or email us at learn@matters.academy
一般意見:請透過我們的聯絡表格分享您的意見,或發送電子郵件至 learn@matters.academy

I have emailed Matters Academy but have not received a response. Is anyone there?為什麼在向 Matters Academy 發送電子郵件後,尚未收到回覆?

Please note that response times may be affected due to the high volume of emails we receive. We will contact you as soon as possible to ensure we resolve any issues. 由於電子郵件的數量繁多,回覆時間可能會受影響。我們將盡快與您聯繫,以確保解決任何問題。

What are the achievements on my profile?

Achievements of certificates and badges are awarded to users, based on their learning progress and contributions in the community. Please refer to the Achievements page for more information.

Certificate ESG Foundation Course

How do I register for the course?

Users can register for the course in 3 simple steps:  
1. Choose the 'sign-up' option under the selective language of the course.
2. Fill in your bank details to complete the payment process.
3. Once payment has been completed, the course will be available on the users' profiles. 
用戶可以透過 3 個簡單的步驟進行課程註冊:
1. 選擇課程語言後,按下「註冊」選項。
2. 進行網上付款以完成付款流程。
3. 完成付款後,用戶便可立刻在個人資料頁面中找到課程。

Can I switch the language of the course?

The language of the course is fixed once users have chosen the course during enrolment.在註冊期間選擇了課程語言後,語言將會固定,不可更改。

Are any subtitles available on the course?

Subtitles are available for all language versions. Remember to press the 'CC' button at the video player to activate. 

How many attempts do I have for the quiz?

All users have 3 attempts to pass the quiz. 

What are the benefits of earning a CESGF certificate?
獲得 CESGF 證書有什麼好處?

  • Gain foundation knowledge and skills to integrate ESG considerations in your life and career
  • Diversify your career profile and enhance your existing skillset to broaden your career opportunities
  • 獲得基礎知識和技能,將 ESG 融入您的生活和職業生涯
  • 使你的職業生涯變得多樣化,並增強你現有的技能,有助拓展就業機會

How do I share my course certificate on social media?

Users can download the Certificate of Completion from Matters Academy's platform, and directly share on their social media platform by choosing the LinkedIn/ Twitter option.
用戶可以在 Matters Academy 平台下載證書,並透過選擇 LinkedIn/Twitter 選項,直接在社交媒體平台上分享。

How can I add the CESGF certificate to my LinkedIn profile?
如何將 CESGF 證書增添至LinkedIn 的個人資料頁面?

A short tutorial video featured at the end of the course will provide users with instructions on how to add the certificate on their LinkedIn. 
課程的尾聲將提供簡短教學片段,為用戶提供有關如何在 LinkedIn 上增添證書的指引。

Whom can I contact if I experience any issues?

Please share your feedback through our contact form or email us at learn@matters.academy
歡迎透過我們的聯絡表格分享任何意見,或直接發送電子郵件至 learn@matters.academy

Whom can I contact if I have feedback on the course or accessibility of Matters Academy's platform?
如果我對 Matters Academy 平台上的課程或其他方面有任何意見,可以聯繫誰?

Course Feedback: Please leave your comment in the 'Discuss' section on the course page or complete the feedback form at the end of the course.
General Feedback: Please share your feedback through our contact form or email us at learn@matters.academy
一般意見:請透過我們的聯絡表格分享您的意見,或發送電子郵件至 learn@matters.academy

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