Immerse yourself in learning about Matters Academy, our mission, and our commitment to providing high-quality ESG and sustainability courses to learners worldwide. 了解更多關於我們的使命,以及我們如何承諾致力提供高質素的ESG及可持續發展課程給全球學員。

Learners 學員
Course Teachers 課程導師
Courses 課程
Outstanding ESG
Online Learning Platform of the Year
Matters Academy have been honoured with the prestigious “Outstanding ESG Online Learning Platform of the Year” award by the Hong Kong Commercial Times Business Awards in 2024.
A New Learning Experience 全新學習體驗
Extensive Course Catalogue廣泛課程目錄
A diverse ESG course catalog covering climate change, renewable energy, and more
包括氣候變化、 可再生能源等的多樣化ESG課程目錄
包括氣候變化、 可再生能源等的多樣化ESG課程目錄
Vast Network of Sustainability Experts
Our platform is built upon a network of experts who have years of experience in their respective fields
Interactive Learning Experience互動學習體驗
Interactive learning experience involving quizzes, on-demand videos, e-books, and case studies for hands-on learning
互動學習體驗包括測驗、 隨意點播影片、電子書及個案研究等等,進行實踐學習
互動學習體驗包括測驗、 隨意點播影片、電子書及個案研究等等,進行實踐學習
Multi-media Resources
Multi-media resources, including a blog, podcast, and social media, to offer a diverse range of content formats for learners
— Companies
Our Partners 合作夥伴
Matters Academy partners with corporations, non-profits, and academic institutions to provide exceptional ESG learning opportunities.
我們與企業、 非營利組織和學術機構合作,提供優秀的 ESG學習機會。
我們與企業、 非營利組織和學術機構合作,提供優秀的 ESG學習機會。
Together, we are committed to driving positive change and promoting sustainability, working towards a more sustainable future for all.