Summer Sale ends in 夏日優惠即將結束:

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Enrich Your Summer with Deeper Learning
學習不倦 豐富暑假

Hello Summer! We’re thrilled to announce our special summer discount campaign.

Our goal? To inspire lifelong learning and make our diverse course offerings more accessible to everyone.
Matters Academy一直鼓勵終身學習,並希望我們多元化的課程更容易讓人接觸到。

Summer is the perfect time to dive into new subjects or deepen your existing knowledge. With our extensive course catalog, you can transform your summer into a season of learning and growth.

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Write your awesome label here.

Pre-Sale Discounts

From 25 July to 31 July 2024, we’re offering a scorching 50% discount on all courses. 

To avail this offer, simply register on Matters Academy and follow us on YouTube and Instagram.
只需在Matters Academy註冊並在YouTube和Instagram上關注我們,就可申請獲得此優惠。

Summer Discounts

From 1 August to 31 August 2024, enjoy a refreshing 40% off discount on all courses with the promotional code SUMMER2024.
2024年8月1日至8月31日,使用優惠碼 SUMMER2024,所有課程均可獲得6折優惠。
Write your awesome label here.

Prizes 獎品 🎁

Rewards for All Learners

  1. Complete three courses (excluding the Certificate ESG Foundation Course) during the summer period
  2. Subscribe to Matters Academy’s YouTube channel and comment on one video
    訂閱Matters Academy的YouTube頻道並任何一個影片內進行評論
  3. Win a 55% off discount on the Certificate ESG Foundation Course (English Version) 

Redeem your prize through form submission at Matters Academy.
通過在Matters Academy提交表格來兌換您的獎品

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CESGF Course Completion Prize

  1. Complete the Certificate ESG Foundation Course within a month
  2. Upload your certificate on LinkedIn
  3. LinkedInJoin our LinkedIn Alumni Group
  4. Follow us Matters Academy on YouTube and Instagram 
    在YouTube和Instagram上關注Matters Academy
  5. Win the Best Practice for ESG Data Management course

Redeem your prize through form submission at Matters Academy
在Matters Academy通過表格提交兌換您的獎品

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Terms and Conditions 條款及細則

  1. By entering the Summer Sale 2024, you (the “participant”) agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Any information or instructions published by Matters Academy about the Summer Sale 2024 on Matters Academy's Instagram and LinkedIn Pages form part of these terms and conditions.
    參加此活動表示您同意遵守以下條款和細則。包括Matters Academy在社交媒體上發布的有關Summer Sale 2024 的任何資訊和規則。
  2. Matters Academy reserves the right to suspend, vary or terminate this Summer Sale 2024 and any relevant offer and to amend the relevant terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
    Matters Academy保留最終決定任何客戶是否符合相關優惠的權利。
  3. Matters Academy reserves the right of final decision on the eligibility of any customer for the relevant offer(s).
    Matters Academy保留最終決定任何客戶是否符合相關優惠的權利。
  4. The Summer Sale 2024 is from 00:00am on 25 July to 11:59pm on 31 August, 2024. All entries submitted after 31 August, 2024 will not be accepted.
  5. The Campaign is open to all registered users of Matters Academy.
    此活動開放給所有Matters Academy的註冊用戶。
  6. To avail the 50% discount offer, users must register on Matters Academy and follow us on YouTube and Instagram between 25 July 2024 and 31 July 2024.
    如要獲得50%的折扣優惠,用戶必須在2024年7月25日至7月31日之間在Matters Academy註冊並在YouTube和Instagram上關注我們。
  7. The 40% discount offer is valid from 1 August 2024 to 31 August 2024 on all courses.
  8. The Certificate ESG Foundation Course must be completed within a month to win the Best Practice for ESG Data Management course.
  9. To redeem the prize, users must upload their certificate on LinkedIn, join our LinkedIn Alumni Group, follow Matters Academy on YouTube and Instagram, and submit a form at Matters Academy.
    如需兌換獎品,用戶必須將他們的證書上傳到LinkedIn,加入我們的LinkedIn校友組,在YouTube和Instagram上關注Matters Academy,並在Matters Academy提交表格。
  10. Users who complete three other courses (excluding the Certificate ESG Foundation Course) during the summer period, subscribe to Matters Academy’s YouTube channel, comment on one video, and submit a form at Matters Academy will be eligible for additional rewards.
    在夏季期間完成其他三門課程(不包括基礎ESG證書課程)的用戶,訂閱Matters Academy的YouTube頻道,對一個視頻進行評論,並在Matters Academy提交表格,將有資格獲得額外的獎勵。
  11. Each Matters Academy account can only enter the Summer Sale 2024 once for both of the prize.
    每個Matters Academy帳號只可以換領活動獎勵各一次。
  12. The winner will be announced within 7 working days of the closing date of 31 August 2024 through email.
  13. The winner will have 14 days from the date of notification to claim their prize. If the winner is unreachable, ineligible, or fails to claim the prize at this time, they will forfeit the prize. Matters Academy reserves the right to offer the prize to another participant
    中獎者自被通知日起14日內領取獎品。倘若中獎者不能聯絡上、不符合資格或未能於限期內領取獎品,有關獎品即作廢,Matters Academy保留權利將獎品送予其他參賽者。
  14. The prize is as stated and there will be no substitutes or cash alternatives.
  15. All Summer Sale 2024 promotion discounts cannot be used with other discounts. 
    所有Summer Sale 2024的優惠將不能和其他優惠一同使用。
  16. Matters Academy, cannot be held liable for any injury, loss or damage of any kind arising from a winner’s use of the prize.
    Matters Academy不會對中獎者因領取獎品而引致的任何人身傷害、損失或損害承擔法律責任。
  17. Matters Academy reserves the right to publish the name of the winner on its associated pages. 
    Matters Academy保留權利於相關網站公布得獎者的姓名及國家或地區。