Matters Lecture series
How Assurance and Verification Helps Your ESG Reporting
How Assurance and Verification Helps Your ESG Reporting
With the growing importance of corporate sustainable development and the rise of social and economic challenges brought on by COVID-19, investors are increasingly focusing on the environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) performance of corporate and are integrating ESG factors into their investment decisions.
Accurate and verifiable information is becoming more important in the trust-is-low era. To avoid greenwashing or false reporting, companies should have their ESG disclosure verified or assured to make the reports trustful for the investors.
課程將以廣東話進行 This lecture will be conducted in Cantonese
部分收益將會捐作慈善用途 Part of the proceeds will be donated to charity
課程將以廣東話進行 This lecture will be conducted in Cantonese
部分收益將會捐作慈善用途 Part of the proceeds will be donated to charity
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講者資料 Meet the Speaker
Brenda Ling
Experienced in corporate business development, Brenda has a strong track record working in MNC and non-profit organization, particularly in Manufacturing and Services Sectors. She is currently working in a certification and standard body, focuses on various industries and projects including CSR and sustainability campaigns, ESG reporting, carbon audit, green finance, fintech, supply chain audits and other ISO certifications. Graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Master’s degree in Corporate Environmental Governance, Brenda is passionate about driving sustainability and creating shared values to both companies and communities.
Account Manager
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency