Matters Lecture series
Smart Farming: Connecting People and the Environment
世界逐趨全球化、日益進步的科技都往往導致我們對進口商品高度依賴,即使是基本需求如糧食亦無一倖免。隨著可持續發展越來越受到公眾關注,自給自足亦是不少人提倡的生活方式。 隨著燃料價格的上漲和對溫室氣體排放的擔憂不斷增加,越來越多人轉為自給自足生活以保護環境。
As the world continues to transform with globalisation and improvements in technology, there has been a resulting high dependency on imported goods even for the most basic of needs such as food. Consequently, the public has become increasingly aware of sustainable development and the importance of self-sufficiency. More and more people are turning to local self-sufficiency to protect the environment as a result of increasing fuel prices and rising concerns about greenhouse gas emissions.
在本次講座中,講者將介紹智能農業,以及提供如何與室內設計、建築設計甚至城市規劃作融合的例子。 這不僅促進了自給自足,提升人與大自然之間更緊密的聯繫,更通過優化城市空間,例如將棕地改造成農場,有效地降低了我們的碳足跡並保護了生物多樣性。
In this lecture, the speaker will introduce smart farming and how to incorporate it into interior design, building design, and even urban planning. Not only does this promote self-sufficiency and foster a closer connection between people and nature, but effectively lowers our carbon footprint and preserves biodiversity by optimising the space in the city such as revamping brownfields into farms.
This lecture will be conducted in Cantonese.
This lecture will be conducted in Cantonese.
講者資料 Meet the Speaker
Vicky Chan
Vicky Chan founded Avoid Obvious Architects in 2012 with offices in New York and Hong Kong. The firm has been pushing sustainable buildings and cities with focus on combining art with green technology. His projects have won 38 international awards and have been exhibited in 37 cities. Vicky's projects can be found in 36 cities and include master planning for World Trade Center in New York, Des Voeux Road Central pedestrianization in Hong Kong and various smart cities design in Canada, China and India. Vicky founded a volunteering organization and has taught over 6,000 children about sustainable design and architecture. He believes our future will be brighter if children are more equipped with creative and sustainable thinking. He served AIA Hong Kong as president in 2020. He is serving non-profit organization Walk DVRC as Chairman in 2021 to promote walkability in Hong Kong.