Mil Mill喵坊的回收之路
From Carbons to Cotton: Mil Mill's Recycling Journey in Hong Kong
減廢意識抬頭,由膠樽、鋁罐以至到電池,不少人都會主動分類回收,養成習慣。而提起紙包飲品盒回收,大家都定會想起Mil Mill 喵坊-香港的首間紙包飲品盒回收漿廠及教育中心。
在本集訪談中,一直以協助減少香港廢物爲目標的Mil Mill主理人葉文琪先生(Harold)將分享搬遷新廠房最新動向,並解剖日常的回收業者工作。
在本集訪談中,一直以協助減少香港廢物爲目標的Mil Mill主理人葉文琪先生(Harold)將分享搬遷新廠房最新動向,並解剖日常的回收業者工作。

Harold Yip
Founder, SSID & Mil Mill
Mr. Harold Yip is the founder of Secure Information Disposal Services Limited (SSID), an award winning waste and environmental management company. Secure Information Disposal Services Limited (SSID) is an award-winning waste management company that applies knowledge and technology to develop sustainable solutions for our clients and the Earth. SSID was set up in 2009 by several paper professionals with the vision to develop a cycle economy of papers; originally specializes in offices’ confidential documents destruction, and has gradually expanded into integrated waste management solutions.
Supported by Recycling Fund, Mr. Yip launched Mil Mill in 2019, which is the first pulp mill and education center in Hong Kong to recycle beverage cartons. Mil Mill has developed the capacity to process 10 tons of beverage cartons daily and transformed these useful materials, that were treated as trash and dumped into the already saturated landfills, into Mil Mill recycled tissue papers and other paper products.
Before founding SSID, Mr. Yip had been working for several multinational companies in senior management and had helped to build up many leading brands including Double A, number one copy paper in Hong Kong.
Supported by Recycling Fund, Mr. Yip launched Mil Mill in 2019, which is the first pulp mill and education center in Hong Kong to recycle beverage cartons. Mil Mill has developed the capacity to process 10 tons of beverage cartons daily and transformed these useful materials, that were treated as trash and dumped into the already saturated landfills, into Mil Mill recycled tissue papers and other paper products.
Before founding SSID, Mr. Yip had been working for several multinational companies in senior management and had helped to build up many leading brands including Double A, number one copy paper in Hong Kong.
喵坊 Mil Mill
喵坊 Mil Mill是香港首間紙包飲品盒回收漿廠及教育中心,每日最多可處理約五十噸紙包飲品盒,製成再生漿。同時亦會回收各種廢紙,製成多樣再生紙品。
Mil Mill is the first pulp mill and education center that recycle beverage cartons in Hong Kong. We are able to process maximum 50 tonnes of beverage cartons daily, and convert them into paper pulp. We also recycle different kinds of paper, esp. composite-paper-products into paper pulp as well.
Mil Mill is the first pulp mill and education center that recycle beverage cartons in Hong Kong. We are able to process maximum 50 tonnes of beverage cartons daily, and convert them into paper pulp. We also recycle different kinds of paper, esp. composite-paper-products into paper pulp as well.