Soundscape in Action
Immersive virtual Reality as A Tool for Sensory Evaluation ofUrban Spaces
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Meet the Speaker
Dr Luigi Maffei
Luigi Maffei is full professor of Building Environmental Control and Applied Acoustics at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy. Since 1980, his research has been focused on topics related to Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control. He is Dean of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design and he has been Director of the Master in Acoustics and Noise Control. He is coordinator of international didactic projects co-funded by the Italian University and the Research Ministry, such as the MEDACOUSTICS Master “Acoustics and Noise Control in Mediterranean Countries” with the Yildiz Technical University di Istanbul and the Summer School on “Built Environment Control” with the Togliatti State University.
He is scientific coordinator for his University of the FP7 ITN Marie Curie Project “SONORUS- Urban Sound Planner” and Coordinator of the WG5 of the project EU-COST TD0804 “Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes”. He has been President of the EAA European Acoustics Association (2007-2010), Vice President of the I-INCE Institute of Noise Control Engineering (2010-2021) and President of the Acoustical Society of Italy (2014-2017). He was chairman of the European Conference on Noise Control Euronoise 2003, Technical Co-Chair of the INTERNOISE 2016 Conference in Hamburg, member of advisory committee and organizer of structured sessions of different international conferences. He is an associate editor of international journal Acta Acustica united with Acustica.
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