ESG Reporting Seminar
ESG 報告研討會

In line with recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Hong Kong intends to make climate-related disclosures mandatory by 2025. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) has indicated that it will work with other regulators to further revise the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting framework and guidelines according to the TCFD's recommendations. In fact, ESG also plays an ever-increasing crucial role in capital markets. As of the first three quarters of 2022, The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has authorised 154 ESG funds with a total asset management size of US$ 123.1 billion, equivalent to approximately HK$ 967.9 billion. This indicates that strong ESG reporting can help create greater value for corporations.


In this seminar, professionals from across many fields will share successful experiences and insights. 

為企業開創機遇 共建可持續世界
Create the best impact for your business and the world

 Cantonese 廣東話  
 09/12/2022 (Friday 星期五), 15:00-17:00 (GMT+8)
 Webcast at Matters Academy 本平台只提供線上直播

Programme Rundown 活動內容

Topic 1 議題1:

ESG data management technologies
ESG 數據管理技術

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Topic 2 議題2:

Enhance investment value and transparency with professional ESG disclosure
通過專業的 ESG 披露內容提高企業的

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Topic 3 議題3:

ESG reports rating criteria and importance of independent assurance
ESG 報告的評級標準和獨立鑒證

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Topic 4 議題4:

Take soft skills and marketing campaigns up a notch for ESG reports
提升 ESG 報告的軟實力

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Panel Discussion1  圓桌研討會1: 

Advance green procurements for listed companies

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Panel Discussion2  圓桌研討會2: 

Discover the potential value of ESG reports
發掘 ESG 報告的潛在價值

A letter of attendance will be provided to attendee who has completed the session. Please liaise with the respective professional bodies for the CPD point(s). It takes a hybrid format and admission is free. All interested individuals are invited to register in advance.

完成參與者將會獲發電子出席證明,請與所屬的專業機構聯繫以獲取 CPD 學分。研討會以線上線下形式同步進行,費用全免, 歡迎各界人士登記參與。

0.5 CPD hour will be deducted for late arrival or early departure at over 10 to 30 minutes of the seminar. 1 CPD hour will be deducted for late arrival or early departure at over 30 to 60 minutes of the session. No certificate of attendance will be provided for late arrival or early departure at over 60 minutes of the session.

於有關時段遲到或早退研討會 10 至 30 分鐘,將會被扣除 0.5 個 CPD 時數;於有關時段遲到或早退 30 至 60 分鐘,將會被扣除 1 個 CPD 時數; 於有關時段遲到或早退多於 60 分鐘,將不會獲發 CPD 時數。